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Monday, May 13, 2013

The new refrigerator goes in!

We decided not to use the old electric Frigidaire refrigerator that came with our trailer.  Electric only refrigerators make no sense when the majority of the time we will be camping without hookups.  Here are the photos below that show the installation.  We were unable to reuse the old formica counter top since it was too small so we elected to place a butcher block surface on it.  That way we have useful counter space as well.

Because we do not have the roof vent since our original refrigerator was electric, we decided to place a dometic specific fan befind the refrigerator for venting.  Air will be pulled from the floor vent and lower vent and then blown out through the upper vent.  

The finished product!   The butcher block was treated with Boos block board cream which is a mixure of food grade mineral oil and beeswax.  It smelled wonderful going on and it made my hands soft all day!  We made our own insert for the front of the dometic since we wanted to match the wood as close as possible to the rest of the trailer


  1. I have that same refer in my trailer. Some words of caution... treat the plastic parts very carefully. They tend to break for no reason at all and replacements are an arm, a leg, and another arm. Be especially gentle with the freezer door. The hinge spring is notorious for unwinding and once it does the Dometic repair only works for one or two opening. The refer works very well despite these plastic faults.

  2. Thanks Frank! I will be super careful with the freezer door, but now that you have told me about it I will be sure to break it! One would think that making a refrigerator to go in a moving vehicle, one would make it extra sturdy..... the old electric Frigidaire that this one replaced did not have a single broken part and it was over 50 years old!

  3. American manufacturers, manufacture for failure and replacement as a result. If they cannot achieve replacement frequently enough, they manufacture for costly parts replacement. They view this as job security. I however manufacture for no replacement. It results a lot of repeat business.

    Seriously, be careful with the freezer door. Do not let it slam shut.

  4. this is exactly the question i was can i put in a smaller undercounter w/o venting from the top......thanks.
    by chance do you have that fan model # and just for scale reasons what size is that new dometic?....5 cu.ft?

    i'm with you on replacing dometic plastic...they wanted ~500$ for the replacement exterior:0!
    i just waited till the fridge wouldn't work anymore...all the while the door flapped open on every turn:)
